Dr. Mariane Diop Kane received his Bsc and Msc in Maths and Physics from the University of Dakar, Sengal,followed by Msc and PhD in Meteorology from Reading University, UK.
Mariane Diop Kane is a Meteorologist with a long experience in forecasting and research into the african monsoon and weather systems.
After post-doctoral positions at Météo France and the University of Leeds, Mariane worked at the ACMAD African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development as Head of the Prediction Department.
Mariane has been involved in various African research programmes such as WAMP, AMMA and SWIFT.
Following a period as Director of Meteorology of the National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology of Senegal, ANACIM, she is currently a Programme Manager at WMO Africa Regional Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in charge of AMCOMET Secretariat.
Mariane is a coeditor of a textbook on weather forecasting in West Africa “Meteorology of Tropical West Africa: The Forecasters’ Handbook”, 2017, Wiley pub.